from 10-K
12 pages
07/14/2020 Work Order Item Number: W2020071404927 - 697094 Filing Number: 20200783636 Filing Type: Certificate of Designation Filing Date/Time: 07/14/2020 14:06:59 Pm Filing Page(s): 12 Indexed Entity Information: Entity Id: C27974-2003 Entity Name: Digerati Technologies, Inc. Entity Status: Active Expiration Date: None Commercial Registered Agent Corporation Service Company 112 North Curry Street, Carson City, NV 89703, USA the Attached Document(s) Were Filed With the Nevada Secretary of State, Commercial Recording Division. the Filing Date and Time Have Been Affixed to Each Document, Indicating the Date and Time of Filing. a Filing Number Is Also Affixed and Can Be Used to Reference This Document in the Future
from 8-K
1 page
Articles of Merger (Pursuant to Nrs 92a.200) 1. Name and Jurisdiction of Organization of Each Constituent Entity Atsi Communications, Inc. Delaware Corporation And, Atsi Merger Corporation Nevada Corporation 2. N/a 3. the Undersigned Declares That a Plan of Merger Has Been Adopted by Each Constituent Entity. 4. Owner's Approval: The Plan Was Approved by the Required Consent of the Owners of Atsi Communications, Inc. and Atsi Merger Corporation. 5. Amendments, if Any, to the Articles or Certificate of the Surviving Entity. Provide Article Numbers, if Available: Article 1 of the Articles of Incorporation Is Amended to Read in Its Entirety as Follows: 1. Name of Corporation: Atsi Communications, Inc. 6. Location of Plan of Merger: The Entire Plan of Merger Is on File at the Registered Office of the Surviving Corporation, Limited Liability Company or Business Trust, or at the Records Office Address if a Limited Partnership, or Other Place of Business of the Surviving Entity. 7. Effective Date: May 24, 2004 8. Signatures: Atsi Communications, Inc. Atsi Merger Corporation /S/ Arthur L. Smith /S/ Arthur L. Smith President President 3/24/04 3/24/04 <page>