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5 pages
Reference Is Made to That Certain Amendment and Waiver Agreement (The “Amendment Agreement”) Dated as of the Date Hereof Among Modtech Holdings, Inc. (The “Company”), Laurus Master Fund, Ltd. (“Laurus”), Valens U.S. Spv I, LLC (“Valens US”) and Valens Offshore Spv I, Ltd. (“Valens Offshore,” Together With Laurus and Valens US, Each a “Lender,” Collectively, the “Lenders”); (II) the Common Stock Warrant Dated as of the Date Hereof by the Company in Favor of Laurus for 2,537,657 Shares of the Company’s Common Stock; (III) the Common Stock Warrant Dated as of the Date Hereof by the Company in Favor of Valens US for 195,935 Shares of the Company’s Common Stock; (IV) the Common Stock Warrant Dated as of the Date Hereof by the Company in Favor of Valens Offshore for 266,408 Shares of the Company’s Common Stock (The Documents Listed in Items (II) Through (IV) Are Collectively Hereinafter Referred to as the “Warrants”). Defined Terms Not Otherwise Defined in This Letter Agreement (The “Letter Agreement”) Shall Have the Meanings Set Forth in the Amendment Agreement