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Kwikweb Com Inc

Material Contracts Filter

from 10QSB ~20 pages Material contract
from 10KSB 1 page June 12,2000 Asset Purchase Agreement Between Site Hq, Inc. and Internet Properties Development, Inc. in Conjunction With the Agreement, "Domain Name Purchase Agreement Between Site Hq, Inc. and Internet Properties Development, Corp." Internet Properties Development, Inc., a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of, Inc., (The Buyer) and Site Hq, Inc. (The "Seller") Also Agree That the "Buyer" Is Purchasing the Infrastructure and Development Assets of the "Seller" Including All Work to Date in the Domain Names and Internet Assets Described in Exhibit "A" of the "Domain Name Purchase Agreement Between Internet Properties Development, LLC and Internet Properties Development, Corp." the "Buyer" Is Also Purchasing From the "Seller" All of the Office Assets for All the Properties Above Referenced and Described in the Attached Schedule "A" of Assets and Schedule "B" of Liabilities. in Consideration for the Transfer of All of the Above Described Assets, the "`Buyer" Agrees to Pay the "Seller" $7000 Seven Thousand and No/100 Within (Thirty) Days of Today's Date, Following a Reasonable Period of Due Diligence. Buyer: /S/ Matthew Hayes - Internet Properties Development, Inc. Matthew Hayes Seller: /S/ H. Page Howe - Site Hq, Inc. H.PAGE Howe
from 10KSB 1 page June 12, 2000 Domain Name Purchase Agreement Between H. Page Howe and Internet Properties Development, Inc. This Letter Is an Agreement Between Internet Properties Development, Inc. (The "Buyer"), a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of, Inc., a Nevada Corporation, and H. Page Howe (The "Seller"), Regarding the Transfer and Sale of the Internet Domain Names and Their Corresponding Internet and Intellectual Assets Described in Exhibit "A". the Agreed Terms and Points of the Sale Are as Follows: 1. in Consideration of the Transfer of the Domain the Buyer Will; Pay the Seller $25,000 Twenty-Five & None Within 30 (Thirty) Days of Today's Date, Following a Reasonable Period of Due Diligence. 2. in the Event of the Sale of Any of the Assets Purchased in This Transaction (Exhibit "A"), Issue the Seller a Bonus Payment(s) Equal to 25% (Twenty-Five Percent) of the Sale Proceeds. 3. in the Event of a Re-Capitalization of Any of the Assets Purchased in This Transaction (Exhibit "A"), Issue the Seller a Bonus Payment(s) Equal to 25% (Twenty-Five Percent) of the Property's Re-Capitalization Valuation. Buyer: /S/ Matthew Hayes - Internet Properties Development, Inc. Matthew Hayes, President Seller: /S/ H. Page Howe - H.PAGE Howe
from 10KSB 1 page Domain Purchase Agreement Between Internet Properties Development, LLC and Internet Properties Development Corp. This Letter Is an Agreement Between Internet Properties Development, Inc. (The "Buyer"), a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of, Inc. a Nevada Corporation, and Internet Properties Development, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, (The "Seller"), Regarding the Transfer and Sale of the Internet Domain Names and Their Corresponding Internet and Intellectual Assets Described in Exhibit "A". the Agreed Terms and Points of the Sale Are as Follows: In Consideration of the Transfer of the Domain, the Buyer Will; (1) Pay the Seller $50,000 Fifty Thousand & None (2) in the Event of the Sale of Any of the Assets Purchased in This Transaction (Exhibit "A"), Issue the Seller a Bonus Payment(s) Equal to 25% (Twenty-Five Percent) of the Sale Proceeds. (3) in the Event of a Re-Capitalization of Any of the Assets Purchased in This Transaction (Exhibit "A"), Issue the Seller a Bonus Payment(s) Equal to 25% (Twenty-Five Percent) of the Property's Re-Capitalization Valuation. Buyer: /S/ H. Page Howe - Internet Properties Development, Inc. H.PAGE Howe Seller: /S/ Matthew Hayes - Internet Properties Development, LLC Matthew Hayes
from 10KSB 1 page June 12, 2000 Domain Name Purchase Agreement Between Site Hq, Inc. and Internet Properties Development, Inc. This Letter Is an Agreement Between Internet Properties Development, Inc. (The "Buyer"), a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Inc., a Nevada Corporation, and Site Hq, Inc., a California Corporation (The "Seller"), Regarding the Transfer and Sale of the Seller's Ownership Interest in the Internet Domain Names and Their Corresponding Internet and Intellectual Assets Described in Exhibit "A". the Agreed Terms and Points of the Sale Are as Follows: In Consideration of the Transfer of the Domain, the Buyer Will; (1) Pay the Seller $50,000 Fifty Thousand and None, Within 30 (Thirty) Days of Today's Date, Following a Reasonable Period of Due Diligence. (2) in the Event of the Sale of Any of the Assets Purchased in This Transaction (Exhibit "A"), the Seller a Bonus Payment(s) Equal to 25% (Twenty-Five Percent) of the Sale Proceeds. (3) in the Event of a Re-Capitalization of Any of the Assets Purchased in This Transaction (Exhibit "A"), Issue the Seller a Bonus Payment(s) Equal to 25% (Twenty-Five Percent) of the Property's Re-Capitalization. Buyer: /S/ Matthew Hayes - Internet Properties Development, Inc. Matthew Hayes Seller: /S/ H. Page Howe - Site Hq H.PAGEHOWE
from 10KSB ~10 pages Option Agreement With Matthew Hayes
from 10KSB ~10 pages 2000 Stock Option Plan
from 10KSB ~5 pages Agreement Dated September 22, 1998