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Intermix Media, Inc.

Underwriting Agreements Filter

from SC 13D/A ~5 pages Joint Filing Agreement
from SC 13D/A 1 page Schedule II Information With Respect to Transactions Effected During the Past Sixty Days or Since the Most Recent Filing on Schedule 13d (1) Shares Purchased Average Date Sold(-) Price(2) Common Stock-Intermix Media Inc. Gabelli International Ltd 10/03/05 3,000- 12.0000 9/26/05 3,000 12.1122 Gamco Asset Management Inc. 10/03/05 150,000- 12.0000 10/03/05 679,000- 12.0000 9/30/05 31,000 11.9643 9/29/05 20,000 12.0000 9/29/05 4,000 11.9850 9/29/05 5,000 11.9900 9/28/05 7,000 11.9950 9/27/05 19,000 12.0136 9/27/05 5,400 12.0413 9/26/05 20,000 12.1122 9/26/05 3,000 12.0500 9/23/05 17,000- 12.3133 9/23/05 14,000 12.3133 9/23/05 19,000- 12.3133 Mjg Associates, Inc. 10/03/05 10,000- 12.0000 Gabelli Fund, Ldc 10/03/05 13,000- 12.0000 9/23/05 2,000- 12.3133 9/23/05 11,000- 12.3133 9/23/05 11,000 12.3133 Gabelli Securities, Inc. Gabelli Associates Ltd 10/03/05 488,000- 12.0000 9/30/05 10,000 11.9643 9/30/05 20,000 11.9800 9/29/05 9,000 11.9850 9/28/05 7,000 11.9950 9/27/05 18,000 12.0136 9/23/05 18,000- 12.3133 9/23/05 15,000- 12.3133 9/23/05 15,000 12.3133 Gabelli Associates Fund II 10/03/05 17,600- 12.0000 9/30/05 1,000 11.9643 9/27/05 1,000 12.0136 9/23/05 1,000- 12.3133 Gabelli Associates Fund 10/03/05 444,300- 12.0000 9/30/05 28,000 11.9643 9/29/05 7,000 11.9850 9/28/05 6,000 11.9950 9/27/05 17,000 12.0136 9/23/05 17,000- 12.3133 9/23/05 14,000 12.3133 9/23/05 14,000- 12.3133 Gabelli Funds, LLC. Global Utility Income Trust 10/03/05 10,000- 12.0000 Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust 10/03/05 130,000- 12.0000 Gabelli Capital Asset Fund 10/03/05 7,300- 12.0000 Gabelli Abc Fund 10/03/05 150,000- 12.0000 9/23/05 50,000 12.2822 (1) the Transactions on 10/03/05 Were in Connection With the Acquisition Described in Item 5 of This Amendment to Schedule 13d. Under the Terms of the Acquisition, the Issuer's Common Shareholders Received $12.00 in Cash for Each Share Owned. All Other Transactions Were Effected on the AMEX. (2) Price Excludes Commission
from SC 13D/A ~5 pages Joint Filing Agreement
from SC 13D 1 page Joint Filing Agreement
from SC 13D ~50 pages Agreement and Plan of Merger January 2, 2002