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Crosspoint Foods Corp

Articles of Incorporation Filter

from S-1/A 1 page Certificate of Merger
from S-1/A 1 page <page> 1 State of Delaware Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation First: That a Meeting of the Board of Directors of Glacier Corporation (The "Company"), Resolutions Were Duly Adopted Setting Forth a Proposed Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of Said Corporation, Declaring Said Amendment to Be Advisable and Calling a Meeting of the Stockholders of Said Corporation for Consideration Thereof. the Resolution Setting Forth the Proposed Amendments Is as Follows: Resolved, That the Certificate of Incorporation of This Corporation Be Amended by Changing the Article Thereof Numbered "One" So That, as Amended, Said Article Shall Be and Read as Follows: "The Name of the Corporation Is Crosspoint Foods Corporation." Second: The Company Has Not Issued Any Stock and None of the Directors Have Received Any Renumeration From the Company. Pursuant to Resolutions of Its Board of Directors, Brian O'd. White, a Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, Is Authorized to File the Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company Thereby Changing the Name of the Company. Third: That Said Amendment Was Duly Adopted in Accordance With the Provisions of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. Fourth: That the Capital of Said Corporation Shall Not Be Reduced Under or by Reason of Said Amendment. /S/ Brian O'd. White Brian O'd. White Chief Financial Officer and Director
from S-1 ~20 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-1 ~5 pages Certificate of Incorporation