from 8-K
2 pages
I. the Loan A. Type of Loan: Short-Term Current Capital Loan B. Usage of Loan: To Purchase Dar C. Currency and Amount of Loan: Rmb Three Million (Rmb 3,000,000.00) D. Term of Loan: From December 27, 2010 to December 26, 2011 E. Interest Rate: Fixed Interest Rate: The Interest Rate Shall Be a Fixed Annual Interest Rate of 8.34% Until the Due Date of This Loan. F. Interest Settlement the Interest for This Loan Shall Be Settled on a Monthly Basis on the 20th Day of Each Month. II. Advanced Repayment in the Case of Advanced Repayment, Consent From the Loan Provider Shall Be Gained. if Loan Provider Agrees to Advanced Repayment, the Interest Will Still Be Charged According to the Loan Term and Fixed Interest Rate as Set Forth in This Contract