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Credit Agricole S.A.

Share price (3/27/25): $9.20    
Market cap (3/27/25): $55.7 billion

Plans of Reorganization, Merger, Acquisition or Similar Filter

from SC 13G 1 page Exhibit II Joint Filing Agreement
from SC 13G 1 page Exhibit II Joint Filing Agreement
from SC 13G 1 page Exhibit II Joint Filing Agreement
from SC 13G/A 1 page Exhibit II Joint Filing Agreement <page> Joint Filing Agreement in Accordance With Rule 13d-1(k) Promulgated Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as Amended, the Undersigned Hereby Agree to the Joint Filing on Behalf of Each of Them of a Statement on Schedule 13g (Including Amendments Thereto) With Respect to the Common Stock, Nominal Value Nlg 2.23 Per Share, of Gucci Group N.V., a Naamloze Vennootschap Incorporated Under the Laws of the Netherlands, and That This Agreement May Be Included as an Exhibit to Such Joint Filing. the Undersigned Acknowledge That Each Shall Be Responsible for the Timely Filing of Such Amendments, and for the Completeness and Accuracy of the Information Concerning It Contained Therein, but Shall Not Be Responsible for the Completeness and Accuracy of the Information Concerning the Other, Except to the Extent That It Knows or Has Reason to Believe That Such Information Is Inaccurate. This Agreement May Be Executed in Any Number of Counterparts, All of Which Taken Together Shall Constitute One and the Same Instrument. in Witness Whereof, the Undersigned Hereby Execute This Agreement as of the 10th Day of February, 2004. Credit Lyonnais /S/ Francis Caterini Name: Francis Caterini Title: Chief Financial Officer Credit Agricole S.A. /S/ Eric Vandamme Name: Eric Vandamme Title: Head of Subsidiary and Investments of Credit Agricole S.A
from SC 13G/A 1 page Exhibit II Joint Filing Agreement in Accordance With Rule 13d-1(k) Promulgated Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as Amended, the Undersigned Hereby Agree to the Joint Filing on Behalf of Each of Them of a Statement on Schedule 13g (Including Amendments Thereto) With Respect to the Common Stock, Par Value (Euro)1.25 Per Share, of Asltom, a French Societe Anonyme, and That This Agreement May Be Included as an Exhibit to Such Joint Filing. the Undersigned Acknowledge That Each Shall Be Responsible for the Timely Filing of Such Amendments, and for the Completeness and Accuracy of the Information Concerning It Contained Therein, but Shall Not Be Responsible for the Completeness and Accuracy of the Information Concerning the Other, Except to the Extent That It Knows or Has Reason to Believe That Such Information Is Inaccurate. This Agreement May Be Executed in Any Number of Counterparts, All of Which Taken Together Shall Constitute One and the Same Instrument. in Witness Whereof, the Undersigned Hereby Execute This Agreement as of the 23rd Day of December, 2003. Credit Agricole Indosuez /S/ Philippe Dore Name: Philippe Dore Title: Head of Investment Portfolio Division Credit Lyonnais /S/ Agnes De Clermont-Tonnerre Name: Agnes De Clermont-Tonnerre Title: Head of Group Financial Engineering Department Credit Agricole S.A. /S/ Eric Vandamme Name: Eric Vandamme Title: Head of Subsidiary and Investments of Credit Agricole S.A
from SC 13G/A 1 page Exhibit II Joint Filing Agreement in Accordance With Rule 13d-1(k) Promulgated Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as Amended, the Undersigned Hereby Agree to the Joint Filing on Behalf of Each of Them of a Statement on Schedule 13g (Including Amendments Thereto) With Respect to the Common Stock, Par Value (Euro)1.25 Per Share, of Asltom, a French Societe Anonyme, and That This Agreement May Be Included as an Exhibit to Such Joint Filing. the Undersigned Acknowledge That Each Shall Be Responsible for the Timely Filing of Such Amendments, and for the Completeness and Accuracy of the Information Concerning It Contained Therein, but Shall Not Be Responsible for the Completeness and Accuracy of the Information Concerning the Other, Except to the Extent That It Knows or Has Reason to Believe That Such Information Is Inaccurate. This Agreement May Be Executed in Any Number of Counterparts, All of Which Taken Together Shall Constitute One and the Same Instrument. in Witness Whereof, the Undersigned Hereby Execute This Agreement as of the 23rd Day of December, 2003. Credit Agricole Indosuez /S/ Philippe Dore Name: Philippe Dore Title: Head of Investment Portfolio Division Credit Lyonnais /S/ Agnes De Clermont-Tonnerre Name: Agnes De Clermont-Tonnerre Title: Head of Group Financial Engineering Department Credit Agricole S.A. /S/ Eric Vandamme Name: Eric Vandamme Title: Head of Subsidiary and Investments of Credit Agricole S.A