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2 pages
Reference Is Made to the Agreement of Sale (“Agreement”), Dated as of January 11, 2008 and the Letter Agreement Dated April 4, 2008 (“Letter Agreement”) by and Between Vibe Records, Inc., a Delaware Corporation (“Vibe”), Benacquista Galleries, Inc., a Nevada Corporation (“Benacquista”), James Price, an Individual (“Mr. Price”) and Timothy Olphie, an Individual (“Mr. Olphie”, and Together the “Parties”). All Terms Defined in the Agreement Shall Have the Same Meaning When Used in This Letter Unless Otherwise Defined Herein
from 8-K
Reference Is Made to the Agreement of Sale, Dated as of January 11, 2008 by and Between Vibe Records, Inc., a Delaware Corporation (“Vibe”), Benacquista Galleries, Inc., a Nevada Corporation (“Benacquista”), James Price, an Individual (“Mr. Price”) and Timothy Olphie, an Individual (“Mr. Olphie”, and Together the “Parties”) (The “Agreement”). All Terms Defined in the Agreement Shall Have the Same Meaning When Used in This Letter Unless Otherwise Defined Herein. 1. Benacquista and Mr. Price Are Willing to Extend the Termination Date Under the Agreement From March 25, 2008 to April 9, 2008, in Consideration for the Payment of an Additional $25,000 Non-Refundable Deposit Toward the Purchase Price of $450,000 Which Has Been Received by Mr. Price