from 10-K
45 pages
Venture Loan and Security Agreement Dated as of September 30, 2007 by and Between Horizon Technology Funding Company V LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company 76 Batterson Park Road Farmington, Ct 06032 as Lender and Pharmasset, Inc., a Delaware Corporation 303a College Road East Princeton, New Jersey 08540 as Borrower Commitment Amount Loan A: $10,000,000 Commitment Amount Loan B: $10,000,000 Commitment Amount Loan C: $10,000,000
from 10-K
47 pages
Venture Loan and Security Agreement Dated as of September 30, 2007 by and Between Horizon Technology Funding Company V LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company 76 Batterson Park Road Farmington, Ct 06032 as Lender and Pharmasset, Inc., a Delaware Corporation 303a College Road East Princeton, New Jersey 08540 as Borrower Commitment Amount Loan A: $10,000,000 Commitment Amount Loan B: $10,000,000 Commitment Amount Loan C: $10,000,000