from 10-Q
2 pages
June 14, 2011 Re: Purchase and Sale Agreement Second Closing Divide County, North Dakota Gentlemen, This Amendatory Letter Agreement (This “Amendment”), Once Executed by All Parties, Shall Constitute an Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement (The “Agreement”), Dated May 17, 2011, and Shall Be Incorporated Into Said Agreement. American Eagle Energy Inc., Eternal Energy Corp., and Nextera Energy Gas Producing LLC Hereby Agree to Amend the Captioned Agreement as Follows: 1. the First Paragraph of Article 2.1 Shall Be Deleted in Its Entirety and Replaced With the Following
from 10-K
7 pages
1. Structure of the Transaction. the Transaction Will Be Structured as Follows (Collectively, the “Merger”): (A) a Wholly-Owned Shell Subsidiary of Eerg, Formed Solely for Purposes of the Proposed Transaction, Will Merge With and Into Amzg, With Amzg Surviving Such Merger as a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Eerg and (B) Amzg Will Then Merge With and Into Eerg, With Eerg Surviving Such Merger (The “Surviving Corporation”). in Connection With the Merger, Eerg Will Change Its Name to “American Eagle Energy Corp.” the Merger Will Be Structured as a Tax-Free Reorganization. 2. Merger Consideration; Post-Merger Ownership; Reverse Stock Split