from 10-Q
2 pages
1. the 2013 Final Combined Revenue Is Deemed to Be $16,000,001 and the 2013 Performance Shares Are Deemed Earned in Full and the Parties Agree That Buyer Will, on January 1, 2014, Issue and Deliver to the Shareholders’ Agent for Distribution to the Shareholders the Number of Shares of Common Stock Resulting From Dividing $570,815.45 (150,214.59 Shares Multiplied by the Market Closing Price of $3.80 Per Share on October 17, 2013) by the New York Stock Exchange Closing Price for the Common Stock on December 31, 2013
from 8-K
82 pages
Stock and Unit Purchase Agreement Among Orion Energy Systems, Inc., Harris Manufacturing, Inc. and Harris Led, LLC and the Shareholders and Members of Harris Manufacturing, Inc. and Harris Led, LLC May 22, 2013