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Articles of Incorporation Filter

from DEF 14C 2 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from 8-K 2 pages Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
from 8-K 4 pages Use Black Ink Only - Do Not Highlight Above Space Is for Office Use Only 4. Forwarding Address Where Copies of Process May Be Sent by the Secretary of State of Nevada (If a Foreign Entity Is the Resulting Entity in the Conversion): Attn: C/O: 5. Effective Date of Conversion (Optional) (Not to Exceed 90 Days After the Articles Are Filed Pursuant to Nrs 92a.240)* March 14, 2011
from 8-K 5 pages Share Issuance Agreement Share Issuance Agreement
from 8-K/A 1 page State of Wyoming Office of the Secretary of State
from 8-K/A 2 pages 6. if an Amendment Was Approved by the Shareholders: (A) the Designation, Number of Outstanding Shares, Number of Votes Entitled to Be Cast by Each Voting Group Entitled to Vote Separately on the Amendment: Common Shares ; and 8,900,000 the Number of Votes of Each Voting Group Indisputably Represented at the Meeting: 6,000,000 and (B) Either the Total Number of Votes Cast for and Against the Amendment by Each Voting Group Entitled to Vote Separately on the Amendment or the Total Number of Undisputed Votes Cast for the Amendment by Each Voting Group and a Statement That the Number of Votes Cast for the Amendment by Each Voting Group Was Sufficient for Approval by That Voting Group: 6,000,000 Voted For. 7. if the Amendment Provides for an Exchange, Reclassification, or Cancellation of Issued Shares, Provisions for Implementing the Amendment if Not Contained in the Amendment Itself
from SB-2 19 pages Bylaws for the Regulation, Except as Otherwise Provided by Statute or Its Articles of Incorporation of Sierra Ventures, Inc. (A Wyoming Corporation) Bylaw I Shareholder's Meetings
from SB-2 3 pages Articles of Incorporation of Sierra Ventures, Inc