from 10-K
2 pages
A Statement of All the Rights, Preferences, Privileges and Restrictions Granted to or Imposed Upon the Respective Classes and/or Series of Shares of Stock of the Corporation and Upon the Holders Thereof May Be Obtained by Any Shareholder Upon Request and Without Charge, at the Principal Office of the Corporation, and the Corporation Will Furnish Any Shareholder, Upon Request and Without Charge, a Copy of Such Statement. Witness the Seal of the Company and the Signatures of Its Duly Authorized Officers This 1st Day of January, 2019. Christopher Lowe, Chief Executive Officer for Value Received Hereby Sells, Assigns and Transfers Unto Shares Represented by the Written Certificate and Do Hereby Irrevocably Constitute and Appoint , Attorney to Transfer Said Shares on the Register of Within Named Coprporation With Full Power of Substitution in the Premises. Date