from 10-K
16 pages
National Securities Corp. (“National”) Is Pleased to Act as Exclusive Financial Advisor to Geo Point Technologies, Inc. (The “Company”) With Respect to (I) Advising the Company Regarding Its Strategy and Financial Alternatives, (II) Providing Investment Banking Services to the Company, Which May Include Representing the Company on a “Best Efforts” Basis to Obtain Financing in the Form of Equity, Debt, Convertible Securities or Any Other Securities (A “Capital Raising Transaction”) (III) Advising the Company in the Review of a Potential Acquisition of Various Targeted Companies (The “Targeted Companies”) (In One or a Series of Transactions), by Purchase, Merger, Consolidation and Other Business Combination Involving All, or a Substantial Amount Of, the Business, Securities, or Assets of the Targeted Companies (An “Acquisition Transaction”) (IV) Assisting the Company in Identifying Acquirers (The “Acquirer”) and Evaluating, Prioritizing and Negotiating Proposals to Sell the Company, in Whole or Parts by Sale, Merger, Consolidation and Other Business Combinations Involving All or Substantial Amount of the Business, Securities, or Assets of the Company (A “Sale Transaction”). It Is Understood That During the Term of This Engagement, the Company or National May Add Additional Companies to the List of Targeted Companies or Acquirers. the Company Is Free, at Its Sole Discretion, to Accept or Reject the Terms of Any Proposed Capital Raising, Acquisition or Sale Transaction, and May Modify, Postpone or Abandon the Transaction(s) at Its Sole Discretion for Any Reason or No Reason at All. 1. Services. in Connection With This Engagement, National Will Perform the Following Services