from 10-Q
19 pages
(3) Main Union Industrial Ltd., a Company Incorporated in Hong Kong Whose Registered Office Is at Suite 1112a, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Which Promptly After the Effective Date Will Change Its Name to AGY Hong Kong, Ltd. (The “Company”). Background
from 10-Q
24 pages
This Shareholders’ Agreement (This “Agreement”) Is Made the 10th Day of June, 2009 (The “Effective Date”). Between: (1) Grace Technology Investment Co., Ltd., a Company Incorporated in British Virgin Islands Whose Registered Office Is P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporation Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, British West Indies (“Grace”); (2) AGY (Cayman), a Company Incorporated in the Cayman Islands Whose Registered Office Is at Walker House, 87 Mary Street, George Town, Grand Cayman Ky1-9002, Cayman Islands (“Agy”); and (3) Main Union Industrial Ltd., a Company Incorporated in Hong Kong Whose Registered Office Is at Suite 1112a, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Which Promptly After the Effective Date Will Change Its Name to AGY Hong Kong Ltd. (The “Company”). Whereas: (A) Grace and AGY Desire to Enter Into a Joint Venture Relationship That Has as Its Principal Purpose the Development, Manufacture, Distribution and Sale of Certain Glass Yarn Products (The “Joint Venture”)