from S-1/A
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Agreement This Agreement Is Dated the 31st of May, 2010. Between : Dennis Dalley, Whose Address Is Lot 11 Inswood Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica, W.I. ( Hereinafter After Referred to as “ Dennis ” ), And: Imex International Corp., Whose Registered Address Is 245 East Liberty Street, Suite 200, Reno, Nevada 89501. ( Hereinafter Referred to as “ the Company” ) Whereas: The Company Would Like to Send a Technical Representative to China, Where the Qes100 Demonstration Unit Would Be Demonstrated Sometime in Late July and Early August of This Year. However, on Account of the Expenditures Involved With Such a Trip, Amounting to About $5,000, the Company Would Require an Advancement of the Funds From Dennis. the Company Would Also Require an Additional $ 10,000 for Legal and Accounting Fees. Whereas: Dennis, Being the President of the Company, Will Advance Funding of $5,000 Towards the Estimated Cost of the Return Trip to China, of a Technical Representative Appointed by the Company and a Further $ 10,000 to Settle Legal and Accounting Fees. Dennis Shall Also Advance Funds as Required by the Company From Time to Time at Dennis’ Sole Discretion. Therefore, in Consideration of the Mutual Covenants and Agreements Herein Contained, the Parties Hereto Agree as Follows