from 8-K
115 pages
Whereas, Landlord Is the Owner of a Certain Parcel of Real Property Located at 1305 E. Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 as More Particularly Described in Exhibit "A", Which Real Property Is Improved by Two Office Buildings Commonly Known as “Merchants Ice Main Building” and “Eddie’s Workshop” (Collectively, the “Property”). the Property Is Adjacent to Three Other Office Buildings That Together Comprise the Merchant’s Ice Development (Collectively Referred to Herein as the "Complex", Including the Buildings, Improvements and Underlying and Adjacent Land); and Whereas, Tenant Desires to Lease Space in the Property and Landlord Is Willing to Lease Tenant Space in the Property, Upon the Terms, Conditions, Covenants and Agreements Set Forth Herein. Now, Therefore, the Parties Hereto, Intending Legally to Be Bound, Hereby Covenant and Agree as Set Forth Below. 1. the Premises