from 10-Q
2 pages
You Will Be Eligible to Participate in the Company’s Stock Incentive Plan as of Your First Day of Employment and Shall Be Entitled to Periodic Grants Consistent With the Company’s Policies Generally Applicable to Its Employees of Comparable Rank and Status. You Will Initially Receive a Grant of Restricted Stock Units and Non-Qualified Stock Options of Two-Times Base Salary; Eighty (80) Percent of Which Will Be Non-Qualified Stock Options, and Twenty (20) Percent Restricted Stock Units. the Initial Grant Will Be Determined Based on the Closing Price of the Stock on the Day Prior to Your Employment. for Example, if You Started on May 29, 2012, Your Initial Grant Would Be 235,000 Times 2 Divided by $2.02 (The Close Price of the Stock as of 05/30/2012) = 232673 Shares of Stock; Approximately 186,138 of Stock Options and 46,535 of Restricted Stock Units. All Stock Awards Are Subject to the Consent and Approval of the Compensation Committee