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1.effective as of the Date Hereof, Snow Park (A) Hereby Irrevocably Withdraws and Rescinds Its Letter Dated December 20, 2018, as Supplemented (The “Nomination Letter”), Providing Notice to the Company and the Holders of the Company’s Common Stock, $0.01 Par Value Per Share (“Common Stock”) of Its Intention to Nominate Certain Individuals for Election as Directors of the Company at the Company’s 2019 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (The “2019 Annual Meeting”) and (B) Shall Immediately Cease All Efforts, Direct or Indirect, in Furtherance of Its Nomination of Individuals for Election as Director at the 2019 Annual Meeting and Any Related Solicitation in Connection Therewith, Including Any Negative Solicitation Efforts Relating to the 2019 Annual Meeting, and Terminate Its Solicitation Website, HTTPS://WWW.RENEWRESI.com. 2.the Company and Snow Park Agree as Follows: (A)immediately Following the 2019 Annual Meeting, David B. Reiner Will Resign From the Company’s Board of Directors (The “Board”)