from 8-K
20 pages
Purpose. the Plan, Through the Granting of Awards, Is Intended to Help the Company Secure and Retain the Services of Eligible Award Recipients, Provide Incentives for Such Persons to Exert Maximum Efforts for the Success of the Company and Any Affiliate and Provide a Means by Which the Eligible Recipients May Benefit From Increases in the Value of the Common Stock. 2. Administration. (A) Administration by Board. the Board Will Administer the Plan. the Board May Delegate Administration of the Plan to a Committee or Committees, as Provided in Section 2(c). (B) Powers of Board. the Board Will Have the Power, Subject To, and Within the Limitations Of, the Express Provisions of the Plan
from 8-K
19 pages
Biora Therapeutics, Inc. 2018 Equity Incentive Plan (Fifth Amended & Restated) Adopted by the Board: February 22, 2018 (First Amendment March 6, 2019, Second Amendment December 5, 2019, Third Amendment March 4, 2020, Fourth Amendment May 5, 2021, Fifth Amendment March 22, 2023) Approved by the Stockholders: February 22, 2018