from 10-Q
3 pages
On Behalf of Mission Produce, Inc. (The Company), I Am Pleased to Formally Extend Our Offer of Employment to You for the Position of President and Chief Operating Officer, Reporting to Stephen Barnard, Our Chief Executive Officer, With a Start Date No Later Than August 1, 2022. It Is With Great Excitement to Know You Will Exemplify Our Core Values Which Are Fun, Innovative, Reliable, Successful and Trustworthy. the Following Outlines the Terms of Our Offer, Pending Formal Approval From the Compensation Committee: Compensation A) Your Annual Base Salary Will Be $475,000.00 and Will Be Paid in Accordance With Our Bi-Weekly Payroll Disbursement Schedule
from 10-K
59 pages
Mission Produce Deferred Compensation Plan Effective as of September 1, 2016 Important Note This Document Has Not Been Approved by the Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service or Any Other Governmental Entity. an Adopting Employer Must Determine Whether the Plan Is Subject to the Federal Securities Laws and the Securities Laws of the Various States. an Adopting Employer May Not Rely on This Document to Ensure Any Particular Tax Consequences or to Ensure That the Plan Is “Unfunded and Maintained Primarily for the Purpose of Providing Deferred Compensation to a Select Group of Management or Highly Compensated Employees” Under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as Amended, With Respect to the Employer’s Particular Situation. Fidelity Employer Services Company, Its Affiliates and Employees Cannot Provide You With Legal Advice in Connection With the Execution of This Document. This Document Should Be Reviewed by the Employer’s Attorney Prior to Execution