from 8-K
15 pages
Whereas, the Securities Purchase Agreement Requires That the Guarantors Execute and Deliver to the Collateral Agent, (I) a Guaranty Guaranteeing All of the Obligations of the Company Under the Securities Purchase Agreement, the Notes and the Other Transaction Documents (As Defined Below); and (II) a Security and Pledge Agreement, Dated as of the Date Hereof, Granting the Collateral Agent a Lien on and Security Interest in All of Their Assets and Properties (The “Security Agreement”); and Whereas, Each Guarantor Has Determined That the Execution, Delivery and Performance of This Guaranty Directly Benefits, and Is in the Best Interest Of, Such Guarantor. Now, Therefore, in Consideration of the Premises and the Agreements Herein and in Order to Induce the Buyers to Perform Under the Securities Purchase Agreement, Each Guarantor Hereby Agrees With Each Buyer as Follows: Section 1
from 8-K
3 pages
April 3, 2023 Sean Hunkler Delivered via E-Mail Re: Amendment No. 2 to Employment Agreement, Dated as of September 13, 2021 and Amended on March 1, 2023 (The “Employment Agreement”), Between FTC Solar, Inc. (The “Company”) and Sean Hunkler