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Delawar E Seal M in Er Al Ys Therapeutics, in C. Co Rporate May 2019 Mti Fully Paid and Nonassessable Shares of Common Stock, $0.0001 Par Value Per Share, of Mineralys Therapeutics, Inc. Transferable on the Books of the Company in Person or by Duly Authorized Attorney Upon Surrender of This Certificate Properly Endorsed. This Certificate and the Shares Represented Hereby, Are Issued and Shall Be Held Subject to All the Provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation, as Amended, and the By-Laws, as Amended, of the Company (Copies of Which Are on File With the Company and With the Transfer Agent), to All of Which Each Holder, by Acceptance Hereof, Assents. This Certificate Is Not Valid Until Countersigned by the Transfer Agent and Registered by the Registrar. Witness the Facsimile Seal of the Corporation and the Facsimile Signatures of Its Duly Authorized Officers. Dated: This Certifies That Is the Record Holder of Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Delaware C O U N Te R S Ig N E D a N D R E G Is Te R E D : A M Er Ic a N Sto C K Tr a N Sfer & Tr U St C O M Pa N Y, LLC (B R O O K Ly N , N Y ) Tr a N S Fe R a G E N T a N D R E G Is Tr a R B Y: A U Th O R Ize D S Ig N Atu R E President Secretary Cusip 603170 10 1 See Reverse for Certain Definitions and Legends