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Schedule 1.2(b) Contracts, Contract Rights and Agreements Cable Television Bulk Billing Agreement Entered Into as of 12/01/95 by and Be- Tween Westmarc Cable Holding, Inc. Dba Tci of Northern Minnesota and Northland Adventures Mn Ltd Dba Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort Credit & Cylinder Agreement With Praxair Distribution, Inc. (Helium Tank) Lease Agreement Number G 1585 Entered Into 4/26/95 by and Between Alco Capital Resource, Inc. and Shagawa Resort, Inc., Dba Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort Rental Agreement Dated 10/10/96 Between Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort and Jpg Communications, Inc. License Agreement Dated 6/29/94 With Holiday Inns Franchising, Inc., as Amended