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Federal Signal Corporation

Share price (3/12/25): $78.94    
Market cap (3/12/25): $4.823 billion

Material Contracts Filter

from 10-K 3 pages Fifth Amendment to the Federal Signal Corporation Retirement Savings Plan
from 10-K 2 pages Ninth Amendment to the Federal Signal Corporation Savings Restoration Plan
from 10-Q 5 pages Employment Letter
from 10-K 3 pages Fourth Amendment to Amended and Restated Retirement Savings Plan
from 10-K 3 pages Third Amendment to Amended and Restated Retirement Savings Plan
from 8-K 42 pages Separation Agreement and General Release
from 10-Q 10 pages Psu Non-US Page 1 of 1 5/2022 Participant Agrees to Execute This Award Agreement and Return One Copy to Noelle Weber at Federal Signal Corporation, by One of the Means Prescribed by the Company Within 45 Days of Award Agreement Notification or Forfeit the Performance Share Unit Award. Note: If There Are Any Discrepancies in the Name or Address Shown Above, Please Make the Appropriate Corrections on This Form. Federal Signal Corporation 2015 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan Performance Share Unit Award Agreement You Have Been Selected to Receive This Performance Share Units ("Psus") Award ("Award") Pursuant to the Federal Signal Corporation 2015 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan as Amended (The "Plan"), as Specified Below: Participant: Federal Signal Corporation This Award Is Subject to the Terms and Conditions Prescribed in the Plan and in the Federal Signal Corporation Performance Share Unit Award Agreement No. 2022 Attached Hereto and Incorporated Herein. Together, This Award and the Attached Award Agreement Shall Be Referred to Throughout Each as the "Award Agreement." Calculations of Performance Versus Target, Threshold and Maximum Values Set Forth in Appendix a Are Made by the Committee in Accordance With the Terms of the Plan and Are Final and Binding. in Witness Whereof, the Parties Have Caused This Award Agreement to Be Executed as of the Date of Grant. Participant: ###Participant_name### ###Home_address### Grant Number: ###Employee_grant_number### Date of Grant: ###Grant_date### Number of Psus Subject to This Award Agreement: ###Total_awards### Performance and Vesting Periods: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024 By
from 10-Q 9 pages Federal Signal Corporation Chief Executive Officer Participant Agrees to Execute This Award Agreement and Return One Copy to Noelle Weber at Federal Signal Corporation, by One of the Means Prescribed by the Company Within 45 Days of Award Agreement Notification or Forfeit the Performance Share Unit Award. Note: If There Are Any Discrepancies in the Name or Address Shown Above, Please Make the Appropriate Corrections on This Form. Federal Signal Corporation 2015 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan Performance Share Unit Award Agreement You Have Been Selected to Receive This Performance Share Units ("Psus") Award ("Award") Pursuant to the Federal Signal Corporation 2015 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan as Amended (The "Plan"), as Specified Below: Participant: Signature This Award Is Subject to the Terms and Conditions Prescribed in the Plan and in the Federal Signal Corporation Performance Share Unit Award Agreement No. 2022 Attached Hereto and Incorporated Herein. Together, This Award and the Attached Award Agreement Shall Be Referred to Throughout Each as the "Award Agreement." Calculations of Performance Versus Target, Threshold and Maximum Values Set Forth in Appendix a Are Made by the Committee in Accordance With the Terms of the Plan and Are Final and Binding. in Witness Whereof, the Parties Have Caused This Award Agreement to Be Executed as of the Date of Grant. Participant: ###Participant_name### ###Home_address### Grant Number: ###Employee_grant_number### Date of Grant: ###Grant_date### Number of Psus Subject to This Award Agreement: ###Total_awards### Performance and Vesting Periods: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024 By
from 10-Q 4 pages Employment Letter
from 10-K 7 pages Second Amendment to the Federal Signal Corporation Retirement Savings Plan (As Amended and Restated Effective as of January 1, 2020) Whereas, Federal Signal Corporation (The “Company”) Maintains the Federal Signal Corporation Retirement Savings Plan (As Amended and Restated Effective as of January 1, 2020) (The “Plan”) for the Benefit of Eligible Employees; and Whereas, Amendment of the Plan Now Is Considered Desirable; Now, Therefore, by Virtue of the Power Granted to the Benefits Planning Committee by Subsection 16.1 of the Plan, the Plan Be and Is Hereby Amended in the Following Particulars, Effective as of the Dates Listed Below: 1. Effective as of January 1, 2021, by Substituting the Attached Appendix B, in the Form Attached Hereto, in Place of the Prior Version of Appendix B. 2. Effective as of June 1, 2021, by Substituting the Following for Paragraph C-2 of Appendix C to the Plan: “C-2 Eligibility for Participant and Matching Contributions. Each Iam Local 701 Employee Shall Become a Participant With Respect to Pre-Tax, Roth, Catch- Up, Roth Catch-Up, or Matching Contributions on the First Day of the Calendar Quarter Following His or Her Employment or Reemployment Date or Any Day Thereafter; Provided, However, That Each Such Employee Who Is a Seasonal Employee Shall Become a Participant With Respect to Pre-Tax, Roth, Catch-Up, Roth Catch-Up, and Matching Contributions on the First Day of the Calendar Quarter Following the Date on Which He or She Completes a Year of Eligibility Service or Any Day Thereafter. Effective as of June 1, 2018 and Prior to June 1, 2021, No Iam Local 701 Employee Became Eligible to Become a Participant in the Plan. on and After June 1, 2021, Iam Local 701 Employees Shall Become Participants in Accordance With the First Sentence of Paragraph C-2 Above.” 3. Effective as of June 1, 2021, by Adding the Following Paragraph to the End of Paragraph C-3 of Appendix C to the Plan
from 10-K 8 pages First Amendment to Amended and Restated Retirement Savings Plan
from 10-K 101 pages Americasactive:14265831.9 Federal Signal Corporation Retirement Savings Plan
from 10-K 41 pages Purchase and Sale Agreement
from 10-K 13 pages Executive Change-In-Control Severance Agreement (Tier 2)
from 10-Q 43 pages Purchase and Sale Agreement
from 10-Q 3 pages Eighth Amendment to the Federal Signal Corporation Savings Restoration Plan (As Amended and Restated Effective as of January 1, 2007) Whereas, Federal Signal Corporation (The “Company”) Maintains the Federal Signal Corporation Savings Restoration Plan (The “Plan”); and Whereas, the Plan Has Been Amended, and Further Amendment of the Plan Is Now Considered Desirable; Now, Therefore, It Is Resolved That, Pursuant to the Power Reserved to the Benefits Planning Committee Under Section 12 of the Plan, the Plan Is Hereby Amended, Effective as of January 1, 2021, by Substituting the Following for Subsection 9.1(c) of the Plan: (C) Subsequent Elections to Change Form of Payment. a Participant May, to the Extent Permitted by the Committee in Its Sole Discretion Consistent With Code Section 409a and Any Regulations Thereunder, Elect to Further Defer the Date When Payment of Any Amount Is to Be Made to a Future Date Specified by the Participant, Provided That -- (I) the Election Is Made More Than 1 Year Prior to the Date Payment of Such Amount Is Otherwise Scheduled to Begin; (II) the Election Does Not Become Effective Until at Least 12 Months After the Election Is Made; (III) the Date on Which Payment Is to Begin Is Delayed for at Least 5 Years From the Date the Payment Would Otherwise Have Been Made; and (IV) the Election Meets Such Other Requirements as May Be Determined by the Committee to Be Necessary to Comply With Code Section 409a. in the Event Payment Has Been Elected by the Participant in the Form of Installments, Each Installment Payment Shall Be Considered a Separately Identifiable Payment. in the Event Payment Has Been Elected by the Participant in the Form of a Lump Sum (Or in the Event Payment Shall Be Made to the Participant in the Form of a Lump Sum Under the Terms of the Plan in the Absence of or in Lieu of the Participant’s Election), Then The
from 10-K 3 pages Fourth Amendment to Fsc Savings Restoration Plan
from 10-K 3 pages Seventh Amendment to Fsc Savings Restoration Plan
from 10-K 4 pages Sixth Amendment to Fsc Savings Restoration Plan
from 10-K 3 pages Fifth Amendment to Fsc Savings Restoration Plan