from 10-Q
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Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Eastco Industrial Safety Corp. Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law, the Undersigned, Being the President and Secretary of the Corporation Hereby Certify: First: The Name of the Corporation Is: Eastco Industrial Safety Corp. Second: The Certificate of Incorporation Was Filed by the Secretary of State of 15 <page> New York on the 15th Day of May, 1958 Under the Name of Glofane Co., Inc. Third: The Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation Effected by This Certificate Is as Follows: Paragraph First of the Certificate of Incorporation, Relating to the Name of the Corporation, Is Hereby Amended to Read as Follows: "First: The Name of the Corporation Is: Worksafe Industries Inc." Fourth: That the Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation Was Authorized by an Affirmative Vote of the Holders of at Least a Majority of All Outstanding Shares Entitled to Vote on an Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation at a Meeting of Shareholders. Said Authorization Being Subsequent to the Affirmative Vote of the Board of Directors. in Witness Whereof, We Hereunto Sign Our Names and Affirm That the Statements Made Herein Are True Under the Penalties of Perjury, This 16th Day of December , 1998. /S/ Lawrence Densen Lawrence Densen, President /S/ Anthony P. Towell Anthony P. Towell, Secretary 16
from 8-K
1 page
Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Eastco Industrial Safety Corp. Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law, the Undersigned, Being the President and Secretary of the Corporation Hereby Certify: First:the Name of the Corporation Is: Eastco Industrial Safety Corp. Second:the Certificate of Incorporation Was Filed by the Secretary of State of New York on the 15th Day of May, 1958 Under the Name of Glofane Co., Inc. Third:the Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation Effected by This Certificate Is as Follows: Paragraph First of the Certificate of Incorporation, Relating to the Name of the Corporation, Is Hereby Amended to Read as Follows: "First: The Name of the Corporation Is: Worksafe Industries Inc." Fourth:that the Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation Was Authorized by an Affirmative Vote of the Holders of at Least a Majority of All Outstanding Shares Entitled to Vote on an Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation at a Meeting of Shareholders. Said Authorization Being Subsequent to the Affirmative Vote of the Board of Directors. in Witness Whereof, We Hereunto Sign Our Names and Affirm That the Statements Made Herein Are True Under the Penalties of Perjury, This 16th Day of December, 1998. /S/Lawrence Densen Lawrence Densen /S/Anthony P. Towell Anthony P. Towell
from SB-2/A
1 page
<page> Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of Eastco Industrial Safety Corporation Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law. the Undersigned, Being the President and Secretary of Eastco Industrial Safety Corporation, Do Hereby Certify and Set Forth: First: The Name of the Corporation Is Eastco Industrial Safety Corporation. Second: The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation Was Filed by the Department of State on the 15th Day of May, 1958, Under the Name of Glofane Co. Inc. Third: The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation Is Hereby Changed to Effectuate the Following Changes: (1) to Change the Name of the Corporation and (2) to Eliminate Certain Liabilities of Members of the Board of Directors to the Corporation or Its Stockholders for Money Damages for Certain Breaches of Fiduciary Duty as a Director. Fourth: Article 1 of the Certificate of Incorporation Is Hereby Amended to Read as Follows: "1. the Name of the Corporation Is Eastco Industrial Safety Corp." Fifth: Article 15 of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation Is Hereby Added to Read as Follows: "15. Elimination of Certain Liabilities. the Personal Liability of Directors to the Corporation or Its Shareholders for Damages for Any Breach of Duty in Such Capacity Is Eliminated to the Fullest Extent Permitted by Law." Sixth: This Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation Was Authorized by the Holders of a Majority of All Outstanding Shares Entitled to Vote at a Meeting of the Shareholders Duly Held on the 15th Day of February, 1989. Said Authorization Was Subsequent to the Unanimous Vote of the Board of Directors. 1 <page> in Witness Whereof, the Parties Have Signed Their Names and Affirm That the Statements Contained Herein Are True Under the Penalties of Perjury This 15th Day of February, 1989. /S/ Alan E. Densen Alan E. Densen - President /S/ Mark J. Fredericks Mark J. Fredericks - Secretary 2