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Eastman Kodak Company Common New

Share price (3/26/25): $6.35    
Market cap (3/26/25): $512 million

Articles of Incorporation Filter

from 8-K 39 pages Certificate of Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Eastman Kodak Company (Pursuant to Section 14a:7-2(2) and (4) of the New Jersey Business Corporation Act)
from 8-K 39 pages Certificate of Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Eastman Kodak Company (Pursuant to Section 14a:7-2(2) and (4) of the New Jersey Business Corporation Act)
from 8-K 3 pages Certificate of Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Eastman Kodak Company Number of Shares Voted for Amendment Number of Shares Voted Against Amendment Preferred Stock 1,864,300 0
from 10-Q 14 pages Eastman Kodak Company a New Jersey Corporation Fourth Amended and Restated By-Laws May 23, 2017, as Amended April 2, 2020 Article 1 Shareholders
from 8-K 3 pages Certificate of Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Eastman Kodak Company
from 8-K 12 pages Certificate of Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Eastman Kodak Company
from 8-K 14 pages Eastman Kodak Company a New Jersey Corporation Fourth Amended and Restated By-Laws May 23, 2017 Article 1 Shareholders
from 8-K 40 pages Certificate of Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Eastman Kodak Company (Pursuant to Section 14a:7-2(2) and (4) of the New Jersey Business Corporation Act)
from 10-Q 15 pages Eastman Kodak Company a New Jersey Corporation Third Amended and Restated By-Laws May 16, 2016 Article 1 Shareholders
from 8-K 9 pages Certificate of Designations of Series a Junior Participating Preferred Stock of Eastman Kodak Company
from 10-Q 13 pages Eastman Kodak Company a New Jersey Corporation Amended and Restated By-Laws Amended October 19, 2010 Article 1 Shareholders
from POSASR 20 pages -2- Purposes for Which the Meeting Is Called. Unless Otherwise Provided by Law, the Written Notice of Any Meeting Shall Be Given Not Fewer Than Ten Nor More Than Sixty Days Before the Date of the Meeting to Each Stockholder Entitled to Vote at Such Meeting. if Mailed, Such Notice Shall Be Deemed to Be Given When Deposited in the United States Mail, Postage Prepaid, Directed to the Stockholder at Such Stockholder’s Address as It Appears on the Records of the Corporation. Section 1.4 Adjournments. Any Meeting of Stockholders, Annual or Special, May Adjourn From Time to Time to Reconvene at the Same or Some Other Place, and Notice Need Not Be Given of Any Such Adjourned Meeting if the Time and Place Thereof Are Announced at the Meeting at Which the Adjournment Is Taken. at the Adjourned Meeting the Corporation May Transact Any Business Which Might Have Been Transacted at the Original Meeting. if the Adjournment Is for More Than Thirty Days, or if After the Adjournment a New Record Date Is Fixed for the Adjourned Meeting, a Notice of the Adjourned Meeting Shall Be Given to Each Stockholder of Record Entitled to Vote at the Meeting. Section 1.5 Quorum. at Each Meeting of Stockholders, Except Where Otherwise Provided by Law or the Certificate of Incorporation or These By-Laws, the Holders of a Majority of the Outstanding Shares of Each Class of Stock Entitled to Vote at the Meeting, Present in Person or Represented By
from POSASR 10 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from POSASR 14 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from POSASR 20 pages Exhibit B Bylaws of 360 North Fastoria Environmental Corporation, a California Corporation
from POSASR 7 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from POSASR 11 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from POSASR 9 pages 2 a Copy of the Notice of Each Meeting Shall Be Given, Personally or by First Class Mail, Not Less Than Ten Nor More Than Fifty Days Before the Date of the Meeting, to Each Shareholder Entitled to Vole at Such Meeting. if Mailed, Such Notice Is Given When Deposited in the United Stales Mail, With Postage Ihereon Prepaid, Directed to the Shareholder at His Address as It Appears on the Record of Shareholders, Or, if He Shall Have Filed With the Secretary of the Corporation a Written Request That Notices to Him Be Mailed to Some Other Address, Then Directed to Him at Such Other Address. When a Meeting Is Adjourned to Another Time or Place, Il Shall Not Be Necessary to Give Any Notice of the Adjourned Meeting if the Time and Place to Which the Meeting Is Adjourned Are Announced at the Meeting at Which the Adjournmenl Is Taken, and the Adjourned Meeting Any Business May Be Transacted That Might Have Been Transacted on the Original Date of the Meeting. Section 5. Waiver of Notice. Notice of Meeting Need Not Be Given Lo Any Shareholder Who Submits a Signed Waiver of No-Licr, in Person or by Proxy, Whether Before or After the Meeting. the Attendance of Any Shareholder at a Meeting, in Person or by Proxy, Without Protesting Prior to the Conclusion of the Meeling the Lack of Notice of Such Meeting, Shall Constitute a Waiver of Noiice by Him. Section G. Qualification of Voters. Unless Otherwise Provided in the Certificate of Incorporation, Every Shareholder of Record Shall Be Entitled to Every Meeting of Shareholders to One Vote for Every Share Standing in His Name on the Record of Shareholders. Shares Standing in the Name of Another Domestic or Foreign Corporation of Any Type or Kind May Be Voted by Such Officer, Agent or Proxy as the By-Laws of Such Corporation May Provide, Or. in the Absence of Such Provisions, as the Board of Directors of Such Corporation May Determine
from POSASR 9 pages A Copy of the Notice of Each Meeting Shall Be Given, Personally or by First Class Mail, Not Less Than Ten Nor More Than Fifty Days Before the Date of the Meeting, to Each Shareholder Entitled to Vote at Such Meeting. if Mailed, Such Notice Is Given When Deposited in the United States Mail, With Postage Thereon Prepaid, Directed to the Shareholder at His Address as It Appears on the Record of Shareholders, Or, if He Shall Have Filed With the Secretary of the Corporation a Written Request That Notices to Him Be Mailed to Some Other Address, Then Directed to Him at Such Other Address. When a Meeting Is Adjourned to Another Time or Place, It Shall Not Be Necessary to Give Any Notice of the Adjourned Meeting if the Time and Place to Which the Meeting Is Adjourned Are Announced at the Meeting at Which the Adjournment Is Taken, and at the Adjourned Meeting Any Business May Be Transacted That Might Have Been Transacted on the Original Date of the Meeting. Section 5. Waiver of Notice. Notice of Meeting Need Not Be Given to Any Shareholder Who Submits a Signed Waiver of Notice, in Person or by Proxy, Whether Before or After the Meeting. the Attendance of Any Shareholder at a Meeting, in Person or by Proxy, Without Protesting Prior to the Conclusion of the Meeting the Lack of Notice of Such Meeting, Shall Constitute a Waiver of Notice by Him. Section 6. Qualification of Voters. Unless Otherwise Provided in the Certificate of Incorporation, Every Shareholder of Record Shall Be Entitled at Every Meeting of Shareholders to One Vote for Every Share Standing in His Name on the Record of Shareholders. Shares Standing in the Name of Another Domestic or Foreign Corporation of Any Type or Kind May Be Voted by Such Officer, Agent or Proxy as the By-Laws of Such Corporation May Provide, Or, in the Absence of Such Provision, as the Board of Directors of Such Corporation May Determine
from POSASR 9 pages A Copy of the Notice of Each Meeting Shall Be Given, Personally or by First Class Mail, Not Less Than Ten Nor More Than Fifty Days Before the Date of the Meeting, to Each Shareholder Entitled to Vote at Such Meeting. if Mailed, Such Notice Is Given When Deposited in the United States Mail, With Postage Thereon Prepaid, Directed to the Shareholder at His Address as It Appears on the Record of Shareholders, Or, if He Shall Have Filed With the Secretary of the Corporation a Written Request That Notices to Him Be Mailed to Some Other Address, Then Directed to Him at Such Other Address. When a Meeting Is Adjourned to Another Time or Place, It Shall Not Be Necessary to Give Any Notice of the Adjourned Meeting if the Time and Place to Which the Meeting Is Adjourned Are Announced at the Meeting at Which the Adjournment Is Taken, and the Adjourned Meeting Any Business May Be Transacted That Might Have Been Transacted on the Original Date of the Meeting. Section 5. Waiver of Notice. Notice of Meeting Need Not Be Given to Any Shareholder Who Submits a Signed Waiver of Notice, in Person or by Proxy, Whether Before or After the Meeting. the Attendance of Any Shareholder at a Meeting, in Person or by Proxy, Without Protesting Prior to the Conclusion of the Meeting the Lack of Notice of Such Meeting, Shall Constitute a Waiver of Notice by Him. Section 6. Qualification of Voters, Unless Otherwise Provided in the Certificate of Incorporation, Every Shareholder of Record Shall Be Entitled to Every Meeting of Shareholders to One Vote for Every Share Standing in His Name on the Record of Shareholders. Shares Standing in the Name of Another Domestic or Foreign Corporation of Any Type or Kind May Be Voted by Such Officer, Agent or Proxy as the By-Laws of Such Corporation May Provide, Or. in the Absence of Such Provisions, as the Board of Directors of Such Corporation May Determine