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Esterline Technologies Corp

Formerly NYSE: ESL

Articles of Incorporation Filter

from S-4 9 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 5 pages State of Delaware Secretary of State Division of Corporations Delivered 01:40 Pm 06/05/2003 Filed 01:31 Pm 06/05/2003 Srv 030371679 - 3666631 File Certificate of Incorporation of Northern Airborne Technology US Inc. First: The Name of the Corporation Is Northern Airborne Technology US Inc. Second: The Address of the Registered Office of the Corporation in the State of Delaware Is Corporation Service Company, 2711 Centerville Road, Ste. 400 in the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle. the Name of the Registered Agent of the Corporation at Such Address Is Corporation Service Company. Third: The Purpose of the Corporation Is to Engage in Any Lawful Act or Activity for Which Corporations May Be Organized Under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. Fourth: The Total Number of Shares Which the Corporation Shall Have Authority to Issue Is 750, Each of Which Shares Shall Have $1.00 Par Value. Fifth: In Furtherance and Not in Limitation of the Powers Conferred by the Laws of the State of Delaware, the Board of Directors Is Expressly Authorized to Adopt, Amend and Repeal By-Laws of the Corporation
from S-4 6 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 2 pages State of Delaware Secretary of State Division of Corporations Delivered 10:43 Am 02/22/2021 Filed 10:43 Am 02/22/2021 Sr 20210555677 - Filenumber 5192246 State of Delaware Certificate of Formation of Limited Liability Comp Any the Undersigned Authorized Person, Desiring to Form a Limited Liability Company Pursuant to the Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Delaware, Hereby Certifies as Follows: 1. the Name of the Limited Liability Company Is Leach Mexico Holding LLC 2. the Registered Office of the Limited Liability Company in the State Ofdelaware Is Located at Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street (Street), in the City of Wilmington , Zip Code 19801 . the Name of the Registered Agent at Such Address Upon Whom Process Against This Limited Liability Company May Be Served Is the Corporation Trust Company By: /S/ Halle Terrion Authorized Person Name: Halle Terrion Print or Type
from S-4 9 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 4 pages First: Certificate of Incorporation of Cobham Defense Products, Inc. State of Delaware Secretazy of State Division 0£ Corporations Delivered 04:44 Pm 08/29/2007 Filed 04 :42 Pm 08/29/2007 Srv 070970408 - 4415012 File the Name of the Corporation Is Cobham Defense Products, Inc. Second: The Address of the Registered Office of the Corporation in the State of Delaware Is Corporation Service Company, 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400 in the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle. the Name of the Registered Agent of the Co Rporation at Such Address Is Corporation Service Company. Third: The Purpose of the Corpora Tion Is to Engage in Any Lawful Act or Activity for Which Cor Porations May Be Organize D Under the Genera L Corporation Law of the State of De L Aware . Fourth : The Total Number of Shares Which the Corp Oration Shall Have Authority to Issue Is 750, Each of Whic H Shares Shal L Have $1 Par V Alue. Fifth: In Furtheranc E and Not in Limi Tation O F T He Po We Rs Conferre D by the Laws of the State O F Delaware , the Board O F Directors Is Expressl Y Authorized T O Adopt , Amend and Repeal By-La Ws O F the Corporation
from S-4 9 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 12 pages State of Delaware Secretary of State Division of Corporati Ons Filed 09 :00 Am 03/ 04/ 1997 971070750 - 2 724526 Certificate of Incorporation of Chelton Avionics, Inc. First: The Name of the Corporation Is Chelton Avionics, Inc. Second: The Address of the Registered Office of the Corporation in the State of Dclawa~ Is Corporation Service Company, 1013 Centre Road in the City of Wilmington . County of New Castle, 1be Name of the Registered Agent of the Corporation at Such Address Is Coqjoration Service Company. Tl:h . .R.U: The Purpose of the Corporation Is to Engage in Any Lawful Act or Art Ivity for Which Corporations May Be Oqanized Under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. Fourlh: The Total Number of Aharea Which the Corporation Shall Have Authority to Hsue Is Three Thousand (3,000) Shala, Each of Which Shares Shall Have $.01 Par Value Per Share. in Furtherance and Not in Limitation of the Powers Conferred by the Laws of the State of Delaware, the Board of Directors Is Expressly Authorized to Adopt, Amend and Repeal By-Laws of the Corporation. Sjxih: The Corporation Reserves the RL&HT to Amend and Repeal Any Provision C(mtain<.,·d in This Certificate of Lncoq,oration in the Manner Prescribed by the Laws of the Slate:~ of Delaware. All Rights Hen,in Conferred Are Granted Subject to This Reservation
from S-4 12 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 3 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 3 pages Certificate of Incorporation of Auxitrol Co
from S-4 2 pages Article 2. Registered Office and Registered Agent
from S-4 2 pages Certificate of Formation of Esterline Europe Company LLC
from S-4/A 10 pages Amended and Restated Bylaws of Gamesman Inc., a Nevada Corporation
from S-4/A 3 pages Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Gamesman Inc
from S-4/A 10 pages Amended and Restated Bylaws of Racal Acoustics, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
from S-4/A 4 pages Certificate of Incorporation of Racal Acoustics, Inc. a Stock Corporation
from S-4/A 10 pages Amended and Restated Bylaws of Armtec Countermeasures Tno Co., a Delaware Corporation
from S-4/A 4 pages Certificate of Incorporation of Fr Countermeasures Inc
from S-4/A 10 pages Amended and Restated Bylaws of Armtec Countermeasures Co., a Delaware Corporation