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<page> Exhibit B-5 <table> Allegheny Power Restructuring - Estimated Net Impact <caption> Number of Employees Employee Reductions Voluntary Refused to New Net Separation Relocate Other* Total Hires Reduction <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> Apsc 171 64 161 396 186 210 Monongahela Power 114 18 149 281 281 Potomac Edison 128 64 157 349 349 West Penn Power 151 7 78 236 236 564 153 545 1,262 186 1,076 <caption> Estimated Annual Long-Term Labor Allocation of Reductions Reductions** <c> <c> $10,500,000 - 14,050,000 $ 13,450,000 17,450,000 16,140,000 11,800,000 24,210,000 $53,800,000 $53,800,000 <caption> Annual Payback <s> Restructuring Labor Period Payback Period for Costs: Costs*** Savings (Years ) <c> <c> <c> Monongahela Power $ 28,400,000 $13,450,000 2.1 Potomac Edison 30,700,000 16,140,000 1.9 West Penn Power 49,900,000 24,210,000 2.1 $109,000,000 $53,800,000 2.0 <fn> * Early Retirements, Resignations, Etc. ** No Official Allocation of the Estimated Labor Reductions by Operating Companies Was Made Because to Do So Would Require So Many Assumptions as to Make Any Final Result Highly Speculative. However, at the Special Request of the SEC Staff We Have Made This Special Purpose Estimated Allocation Using the Apsc Billing System Allocation Method Currently in Use as Approved by the SEC. *** Primarily Severance and Other Employee-Related Separation Costs. </Table>