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Apparel America Inc

Indentures Filter

from 10-K ~5 pages Indenture or similar
from 10-K 1 page <page> Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Delaware Number Apparel America, Inc Shares Authorized Issue: 25,000 Shares of $8.50 Cumulative Preferred Series H Stock ($.05 Par Value) This Is to Certify That Is the Owner of ( ) Fully Paid and Non-Assessable Shares of the $8.50 Cumulative Preferred Series H Stock of the Above Corporation Transferable Only on the Books of the Corporation by the Holder Hereof in Person or by Duly Authorized Attorney Upon Surrender of This Certificate Properly Endorsed. the Corporation Will Furnish Without Charge to Each Stockholder Who So Requests a Statement of the Powers, Designations, Preferences and Relative, Participating, Optional or Other Special Rights of Each Class of the Corporation's Stock or Series Thereof and the Qualifications, Limitations or Restrictions of Such Preferences and/or Rights. Witness, the Seal of the Corporation and the Signatures of Its Duly Authorized Officers. Dated: , 1995 - Richard E. Koffman Burton I. Koffman Secretary/Treasurer President the Securities Represented Hereby Have Not Been Registered Under the Securities Act of 1933, as Amended, or Applicable State Laws. They May Not Be Sold, Transferred or Otherwise Disposed of in the Absence of Such Registration or Exemption Therefrom Under Said Act and Such Laws and the Respective Rules and Regulations Thereunder
from 10-K ~5 pages Indenture or similar