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4 pages
January 2, 2008 Mr. Wan Yi (Charles) Qing Room 16, Floor 25, Sunny New World Tower No. 231 Xin Hua Road Jianghan District Wuhan, Hu Bei Prc 430015 1. the Company Has Engaged Eastgate and Eastgate Has Agreed to Provide the Advisory Services on the Terms and Conditions Set Forth in This Agreement. 2. Eastgate Shall Provide Advisory Services to the Company Regarding Such Matters as Eastgate and the Company Shall Agree. 3. Specifically, Eastgate Will, at the Request of the Company or With the Agreement of the Company
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8 pages
January 2, 2008 Benda Pharmaceutical, Inc. Sunny New World Tower, 25th Floor, Room 13 231 Xin Hua Road, Jianghan District Wuhan, Hubei Province, Prc 430015 Attention: Wan Yi Qing Title: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
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4 pages
Technical Consultancy Agreement This Technical Consultancy Agreement (The “Agreement”), Entered Into as of June 11, 2007, Between Benda Pharmaceutical, Inc. (“Benda”), a Corporation Organized Under the Laws of Delaware of the United States, and Huimin Zhang (The “Consultant”)