from S-3
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Certificate of Trust the Undersigned, the Trustees of Noram Financing II, Desiring to Form a Business Trust Pursuant to Delaware Business Trust Act, 12 Del. C. Section 3810, Hereby Certify as Follows: (D) the Name of the Business Trust Being Formed Hereby (The "Trust") Is "Noram Financing II." (E) the Name and Business Address of the Trustee of the Trust Which Has Its Principal Place of Business in the State of Delaware Is as Follows: The Bank of New York (Delaware) 23 White Clay Center Route 273 Newark, Delaware 19711 (F) This Certificate of Trust Shall Be Effective as of the Date of Filing. Dated: November 1, 1995 /S/ Michael B. Bracy Name: Michael B. Bracy Title: Trustee /S/ Michael A. Creel Name: Michael A. Creel Title: Trustee the Bank of New York (Delaware), as Delaware Trustee By: /S/ Joseph F. Leary Name: Joseph F. Leary Title: Vice President<page>