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Pacific Enterprises Inc

Plans of Reorganization, Merger, Acquisition or Similar Filter

from 10-K 1 page <page> Supplemental Financial Statement Schedule 2.05 Schedule X Pacific Enterprises and Subsidiary Companies Supplementary Income Statement Information (Millions of Dollars) <table> <caption> Year Ended December 31 1993 1992 1991 <s> <c> <c> <c> Maintenance and Repairs $100 $105 $114 </Table>
from 10-K 1 page <page> <table> <caption> Supplemental Financial Statement Schedule 2.04 Schedule IX Pacific Enterprises and Subsidiary Companies Short-Term Borrowings December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 (Millions of Dollars) Maximum Amount Average Weighted Weighted Oustanding Daily Amount Average Balance Average at Any Month Outstanding Interest Category of Aggregate at End Interest End During During Rate During Short-Term Borrowings of Period Rate the Period the Period the Period - <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> Commercial Paper: December 31, 1993 $267 3.25% $267 $76 3.22% December 31, 1992 $215 3.82% $215 $31 3.84% December 31, 1991 $123 4.84% $709 $494 6.35% </Table>
from 10-K ~5 pages Plan of reorganization, merger, acquisition or similar
from 10-K ~5 pages Plan of reorganization, merger, acquisition or similar
from 10-K 1 page <page> Independent Auditors' Report Pacific Enterprises: We Have Audited the Consolidated Financial Statements of Pacific Enterprises and Subsidiaries Listed on the Index at Item 14(a)1 as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and for Each of the Three Years in the Period Ended December 31, 1993, and Have Issued Our Report Thereon Dated January 31, 1994; Such Financial Statements and Report Are Included in Your 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders and Are Incorporated Herein by Reference. Our Audits Also Included the Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules of Pacific Enterprises and Subsidiaries Listed in Item 14(a)2. These Financial Statement Schedules Are the Responsibility of the Company's Management. Our Responsibility Is to Express an Opinion Based on Our Audits. in Our Opinion, Such Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules When Considered in Relation to the Basic Consolidated Financial Statements Taken as a Whole, Present Fairly in All Material Respects the Information Set Forth Therein. Deloitte & Touche Los Angeles, California January 31, 1994