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8 pages
1position, Start Date and Duration of Employment the Employee Is Offered a Position and Function as Vice President Architectural Coatings, Emea, Asia Pacific & Latin America. This Is a Band B Position. in Such Capacity, the Employee Shall Directly Report the Chief Operating Officer. This Agreement and the Employment Relationship Is Established for an Indefinite Period Starting on August 1, 2022, Provided the Employee Holds a Valid Working Permit in Switzerland. However, for the Purpose of the Length of Service, the Original Hire Date of 03.04.2017 Should Be Decisive. 2scope of Employment and Duties When Performing the Job, the Employee Shall Faithfully and Diligently Follow the Terms of the Present Agreement as Well as the Legal Requirements, and the Specific Guidelines, Policies and Relevant Regulations of the PPG Group. the Employee Commits to Carefully Perform the Work Within His/Her Responsibility and to Devote All of His/Her Business Efforts and Time Exclusively to the Employer and the PPG Group