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Earth Technology Corp USA

Articles of Incorporation Filter

from S-4 11 pages Certificate of Formation of Wsms LLC
from S-4 10 pages Bylaws of Aecom International Projects, Inc. (Amended & Restated as of April 13, 2017) Offices
from S-4 4 pages Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws
from S-4 10 pages Delaware the First State Page L I , Jfifrey LI. Bfjllixk , Secretary of State of the State of DEI.ALIARE, Do Hereby Certify the Attached Are True and Correct Copies of All Oocrjhents on File of "Aecoh International, Inc.• as Received and Filed in This Office. the Folloiiing Oocrjhents Have Been Cert Ified: Certificate of Incorporation, Filed the Eighth Day of August , A.D . 1990 , at 9 O' Clock A.H. Certificate of Change of Registered Agent , Filed the Twenty­ Sixth Day of January, a .D. 1994 , at 10 O' Clock A.H . Certificate of A1fenufen'f , Changing Its Na11e I'roh "Lir"'odward-Clyde: International, Inc ." to "Lioodo'ard-Clyde International Holdings, Inc .", Filed the FOURTE.ENTH Day of January, A.D. 1997 , at 9 O'CLOCK a .H. Certificate of Change of Registered Agent , Filed the Twenty-Second Day of June, A.D . 1998 , at 9 O' Clock A.H. Certificate of A1fenufen'f , Changing Its Na11e I'roh "Lir"'odward-Clyde: International Holdings , Inc." to "Ors Greiner Lioodliard-Authentica Tion:202039316 Date:02 14 17 2238294 8100h Sr# 20170903623 Youmay Verify Thiscertificate Onl:ine at CORP.DELAWARE..GOV/AUTTWER.SHTML
from S-4 9 pages Aecom Energy & Construction, Inc. (An Ohio Corporation) (Name Change Filed and Effective September 12, 2016) Regulations
from S-4 4 pages 1 2 3 Certificate of Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation Urs Energy & Construction, Inc. Charter Number 171108
from S-4 17 pages Bylaws of Aecom E&C Holdings, Inc
from S-4 11 pages Delaware Page 2 the First State Certificate of Amenif!en'i', Changing Its Nahe Froh "Lias!!ington Holdings, Inc ." to "Urs E&C Holdings , Inc.", Filed the Seventeenth Day of Ffl!ruary, A.D . 2010, at 1:38 O' Clock P .H . Certificate of Amenif!en'i', Changing Its Nahe Froh "Urs E&C Holdings, Inc ." to "Aecoh E&C Holdings , Inc.", Filed the Nineteenth Day of August , A.D. 2016, at 2 O' Clock P .H . and I Do Hereby Further Certify That the Aforesaid Certificates Are the Only Certificates on Record of the Aforesaid Corporation, "Aecoh E&C Holdings, Inc . N . 4356762 8100h Sr# 20170903599 Youmay Verify Thiscertificate Online :At CORP.DELAWARE..GOV/AUTTWER.SHTML Authentication: 202038966 Date:02-14-17 Certificate of Incorporation of Bear Merger Sub, Inc
from S-4 9 pages North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State to All Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greetings: I, Elaine F. Marshall, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, Do Hereby Certify the Following and Hereto Attached to Be a True Copy of Articles of Incorporation of Urs Corporation - North Carolina the Original of Which Was Filed in This Office on the 6th Day of August, 2001
from S-4 33 pages Articles of Incorporation of Daverman Associates, Inc
from S-4 11 pages Bylaws of the Earth Technology Corporation
from S-4 4 pages Certificate of Merger of Boyle Holding Corporation and Cba, Inc. and Consoer, Townsend & Associates, Inc. and Consoer Townsend Envirodyne Engineers of Ohio, Inc. and Envirodyne Engineers, Inc. and Rustmark, Inc. Into Aecom USA, Inc
from S-4 41 pages Articles of Incorporation of Fugro U. S., Inc
from S-4 93 pages Article of Incorporation of Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall I
from S-4 74 pages Delaware Page 2 the First State Certificate of Amendment, Filed the Fifth Day of November, A.D. 1971, at 10 O'CLOCK A.M. Certificate of Amendment, Filed the Twenty-Eighth Day of April, A.D. 1972, at 10 O'CLOCK A.M. Certificate of Reduction, Filed the Seventh Day of August, A.D. 1973, at 10 O'CLOCK A.M. Certificate of Merger, Filed the Fourteenth Day of May, A.D. 1979, at 12:01 O'CLOCK P.M. Certificate of Reduction, Filed the Fourteenth Day of May, A.D. 1979, at 12:02 O'CLOCK P.M. Certificate of Merger, Filed the Twenty-Seventh Day of December, A.D. 1979, at 2 O'CLOCK P.M. and I Do Hereby Further Certify That the Effective Date of the Aforesaid Certificate of Merger Is the First Day of January, A.D. 1980. Restated Certificate, Filed the Eighth Day of January, A.D. 1980, at 10 O'CLOCK A.M. 694104 8100h Sr# 20170927010 You May Verify This Certificate Online at CORP.DELAWARE.GOV/AUTHVER.SHTML Authentication: 202043600 Date: 02-15-17 2 2
from S-4 10 pages By-Laws of Urs Fs Commerical Operations, Inc. a Delaware Corporation
from S-4 4 pages State of Delaware Secretary of State Division of Corporations Delivered 06:06 Pm 02/02/2010 Filed 05:58 Pm 02/02/2010 Srv 100101363 – 4784548 File Certificate of Incorporation of Washington Group Afghanistan, Inc
from S-4 13 pages Tishman Construction Corporation of New York 6/26/98 by - Laws By-Laws of Tishman Construction Corporation of New York
from S-4 6 pages Article VI
from S-4 13 pages Date of Incorporation: 6/26/98 State of Incorporation: De Tishman Construction Corporation 6/26/98 by - Laws By-Laws of Tishman Construction Corporation