from 8-K
This Agreement Is Related to the Final Order Confirming Debtor's (Numed Home Health Care, Inc.) Third Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization Effective the Sixteenth Day of August 2001 by United States Bankruptcy Judge Paul M. Glenn (The "Plan") Which Is Attached to This Agreement as Exhibit One. Prior to the Date of Plan Confirmation, Numed Home Health Care, Inc. Was Comprised of That Corporation as a Holding Company for Eight Subsidiaries. at the Date of Confirmation (August 16, 2001), Numed Was Comprised of Four of the Former Subsidiaries. November 8, 2002 the Remaining Four Subsidiares Each Re-Filed Under Chapter 11 of the U. S. Bankruptcy Code Severing Any Further Corporate Affiliation With Numed. Since November 8, 2002, Numed Has Operated as a Dormant Corporation, Has No Assets and Only Those Liabilities Resulting From the Plan and Has Conducted No Operations. Effective October 27, 2003 Numed Reincorporated as a Florida Corporation and Changed Its Name to Centrics Holding Corporation. (For This Agreement, Numed Home Health Care, Inc., a Nevada Corporation and the Reincorporation Under the Name Centrics Holdings Corporation, a Florida Corporation Shall Be Referred to as "Numed") 1. Background of the Parties to the Agreement