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Trikon Technologies Inc

Credit Agreements Filter

from 8-K 17 pages 0.1 by a Multi-Currency Revolving Loan Facility Agreement Dated 17 July 2003 as Amended by Letters Dated 1 March 2004 and 6 September 2004 (The “Facility Agreement”) the Bank Made Available a Sterling Revolving Facility and an Optional Currency Revolving Loan Facility in an Aggregate Amount of £5,000,000 to the Borrower. 0.2 the Borrower Has Now Requested That the Bank Amend the Facility Agreement as Provided Below in Order To, Inter Alia, Extended the Term of the Facilities. Now It Is Agreed as Follows: 1 Definitions and Interpretation 1.1 Terms Defined in the Facility Agreement Shall Have the Same Meaning When Used in This Agreement Unless Otherwise Stated. 1.2 in This Agreement the Following Additional Terms Will Have the Following Meanings: 1.2.1 “Payment Date” Means the Earliest Of
from 425 17 pages 0.1 by a Multi-Currency Revolving Loan Facility Agreement Dated 17 July 2003 as Amended by Letters Dated 1 March 2004 and 6 September 2004 (The “Facility Agreement”) the Bank Made Available a Sterling Revolving Facility and an Optional Currency Revolving Loan Facility in an Aggregate Amount of £5,000,000 to the Borrower. 0.2 the Borrower Has Now Requested That the Bank Amend the Facility Agreement as Provided Below in Order To, Inter Alia, Extended the Term of the Facilities. Now It Is Agreed as Follows: 1 Definitions and Interpretation 1.1 Terms Defined in the Facility Agreement Shall Have the Same Meaning When Used in This Agreement Unless Otherwise Stated. 1.2 in This Agreement the Following Additional Terms Will Have the Following Meanings: 1.2.1 “Payment Date” Means the Earliest Of
from 8-K 10 pages Documentation Risk Department Wholesale & International Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC Direct Line: 020 7775 2065 11/15 Monument Street Switchboard: 020 7775 2000 London Facsimile: 020 7775 2114 Ec3r 8ju Reference: D/Jcro/Jeul4339 the Directors Trikon Technologies Limited Ringland Way, Newport, Gwent Np6 2ta 17th July 2003 Dear Sirs, £5,000,000 Revolving Loan Facility
from 10-Q 1 page Amendment to the Term Loan Facility
from 10-Q ~10 pages Term Loan Agreement
from 10-K ~20 pages Note Purchase and Loan Agreement
from 10-K >50 pages Credit Agreement Dated 11/15/96