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We Refer to the Underwriting Agreement (“Underwriting Agreement”), Dated May 26, 2022, Between BitNile Holdings, Inc. (The “Company”) and Alexander Capital, L.P. (The “Representative”) Each of the Company and the Representative Agree That (I) the Underwriting Agreement Shall Be Terminated Effective Upon Execution of This Letter Agreement and (II) Upon Such Termination, Neither the Company Nor the Representative Shall Have Any Obligations Relating to the Underwriting Agreement. if the Foregoing Correctly Sets Forth Our Understanding, Please Confirm by Signing and Returning One Copy of This Letter. Alexander Capital, L.P. By: /S/ Jonathan Gazdak Jonathan Gazdak Managing Director Accepted and Confirmed on This 1st Day of June, 2022. BitNile Holdings, Inc. By: /S/ William B. Horne Name: William B. Horne Title: Chief Executive Officer 1