from N-2/A
5 pages
(A) Services. Gsc Shall Perform the Services Described in the Fees & Services Schedule Attached Hereto as Appendix I (Collectively, the “Services”). (B) Fees. in Consideration of Gsc’s Performance of the Services, the Company Shall Pay Gsc the Amounts, and Pursuant to the Terms, Set Forth on the Fees & Services Schedule Attached Hereto as Appendix I. (C) Expenses. in Connection With Gsc’s Performance of the Services, and in Ddition to the Fees and Charges Discussed in Paragraphs (B) and (D) Hereof, the Company Agrees That It Shall Be Solely Responsible for the Following Costs and Expenses, and That the Company Shall, at Gsc’s Sole Discretion, (I) Reimburse Gsc for Such Costs and Expenses Actually Incurred by Gsc, (II) Pay Such Costs and Expenses Directly and/or (III) Advance Sufficient Funds to Gsc for Payment of Such Costs and Expenses: • Expenses Incidental to the Offer, Including Postage and Freight Charges Incurred in Delivering Offer Materials; • Expenses Incurred by Gsc in Working With Its Agents or Other Parties Involved in the Offer, Including Charges for Bank Threshold Lists, Data Processing, Telephone Directory Assistance, Facsimile Transmissions or Other Forms of Electronic Communication; the India Fund, Inc. May 12, 2006 Page 2