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2 pages
1. the Term of This Renewal Agreement Shall Be From September 1, 2006 Through August 31, 2007. 2. Section Four A. of the Employment Agreement Shall Be Amended to Read as Follows: Roche Shall Receive Compensation During the Term of This Agreement as Follows: A. During the 12 Month Term of This Renewal Agreement, a Base Salary of $322,400.00/Year Payable Bi-Weekly Pursuant to Minn-Dak’s Current Payroll Program. 3. Section Eight A. of the Employment Agreement Shall Be Amended as Follows: B. During the Initial 18 Month Employment Term, Roche Shall Have 3 Weeks Vacation During the First Year and 4 Weeks Per Year After the First Year. Roche Shall Have 5 Weeks of Vacation Per Year Commending on September 1, 2006. Increases in Vacation Time Over and Above 5 Weeks Shall Be at the Discretion of the Board of Directors. Company Policy Encourages the Use of Vacation Time From One