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Video River Network, Inc. Unaudited Proforma Statements of Operations June 30, 2019 Video River Networks, Inc. Community Economic Development LLC Eliminations Total Revenue Total Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ - Expenses: Rent Expense 11,257 11,257 Telephone Expense 552 552 Other Operating Expenses 29,109 29,109 Total Operating Expenses 40,918 - 40,918 Net Loss From Operations (40,918) - (40,918) Net Loss $ - $ (40,918) $ - $ (40,918) Basic and Diluted Loss Per Common Share $ - $ - $ (0.00029) Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding Basic and Diluted 139,153,206 - - 139,153,206 the Accompanying Notes Are an Integral Part of These Financial Statements