from 10-Q
131 pages
I, Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, Do Hereby Certify the Attached Are True and Correct Copies of All Documents Filed From and Including the Restated Certificate or a Merger With a Restated Certificate Attached of “Entero Therapeutics, Inc.” as Received and Filed in This Office. the Following Documents Have Been Certified: Restated Certificate, Filed the Thirteenth Day of July, A.D. 2016, at 11:21 O`clock A.M. Certificate of Amendment, Filed the Twentieth Day of December, A.D. 2019, at 3:18 O`clock P.M. Certificate of Designation, Filed the Sixteenth Day of July, A.D. 2020, at 10:18 O`clock A.M. Certificate of Designation, Filed the Fourth Day of January, A.D. 2021, at 4:48 O`clock P.M. Certificate of Amendment, Filed the Twenty-Fourth Day of February, A.D. 2021, at 11:32 O`clock A.M. 5474088 8100x Sr# 20243391236 Authentication: 204141480 Date: 08-12-24 You May Verify This Certificate Online at CORP.DELAWARE.GOV/AUTHVER.SHTML
from 8-K
2 pages
Delaware the First State Page 1 5474088 8100 Authentication: 203479364 Sr# 20242146035 Date: 05-15-24 You May Verify This Certificate Online at CORP.DELAWARE.GOV/AUTHVER.SHTML I, Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, Do Hereby Certify the Attached Is a True and Correct Copy of the Certificate of Amendment of “First Wave Biopharma, Inc.”, Changing Its Name From "First Wave Biopharma, Inc." to "Entero Therapeutics, Inc.", Filed in This Office on the Fifteenth Day of May, A.D. 2024, at 11:49 O`clock A.M. and I Do Hereby Further Certify That the Effective Date of the Aforesaid Certificate of Amendment Is the Seventeenth Day of May, A.D. 2024
from S-3
110 pages
Delaware the First State Page 1 5474088 8100h Authentication: 203929050 Sr# 20223002602 Date: 07-15-22 You May Verify This Certificate Online at CORP.DELAWARE.GOV/AUTHVER.SHTML I, Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, Do Hereby Certify the Attached Are True and Correct Copies of All Documents on File of “First Wave Biopharma, Inc.” as Received and Filed in This Office. the Following Documents Have Been Certified: Certificate of Incorporation, Filed the Thirtieth Day of January, A.D. 2014, at 1:44 O`clock P.M. Certificate of Amendment, Changing Its Name From "Biopharma D'azur, Inc." to "Azurrx Biopharma, Inc.", Filed the Twelfth Day of May, A.D. 2014, at 4:01 O`clock P.M. Certificate of Designation, Filed the Twelfth Day of June, A.D. 2014, at 5:42 O`clock P.M. Restated Certificate, Filed the Thirteenth Day of July, A.D. 2016, at 11:21 O`clock A.M. Certificate of Amendment, Filed the Twentieth Day of December, A.D. 2019, at 3:18 O`clock P.M