from SC 13D/A
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Schedule II Information With Respect to Transactions Effected During the Past Sixty Days or Since the Most Recent Filing on Schedule 13d (1) Shares Purchased Average Date Sold(-) Price(2) Common Stock-Champion Enterpises Gabelli Securities, Inc. 1/19/06 1,000- 14.0640 Gamco Asset Management, Inc. 1/20/06 1,800- 13.8217 1/20/06 5,000- 13.8804 1/19/06 1,000- 14.1100 1/12/06 2,500- 13.8504 1/10/06 10,000- 14.1526 1/09/06 500- 13.8500 1/09/06 500 13.8500 1/09/06 10,500- 13.9186 1/09/06 500- 13.8500 1/09/06 1,000- 13.7100 1/04/06 6,900- 13.4404 1/04/06 3,500- 13.4314 1/03/06 500- 13.4880 1/03/06 1,000- 13.3400 12/29/05 300- 13.9000 12/28/05 1,000- 13.7500 12/27/05 623 13.8100 12/23/05 1,300- 14.0761 12/21/05 2,000- 13.9300 12/21/05 1,200- 13.8375 12/19/05 800- 14.1225 12/16/05 1,000- 14.0760 12/15/05 2,500- 14.7320 12/12/05 736 14.4700 12/12/05 5,000- 14.5000 12/08/05 5,000- 14.6306 12/07/05 8,000- 14.3281 12/06/05 4,200- 14.6976 12/01/05 7,000- 15.0086 12/01/05 1,500- 15.0133 11/30/05 5,000- 14.7800 11/29/05 1,000- 14.4460 11/23/05 500- 15.1400 Gabelli Funds, LLC. Woodland Small Cap Value Fund 12/29/05 790- 13.7299 (1) Unless Otherwise Indicated, All Transactions Were Effected on the NYSE. (2) Price Excludes Commission. (*) Results in Change of Dispositive Power and Beneficial Ownership
from SC 13D/A
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Schedule II Information With Respect to Transactions Effected During the Past Sixty Days or Since the Most Recent Filing on Schedule 13d (1) Shares Purchased Average Date Sold(-) Price(2) Common Stock-Champion Enterprises Gamco Investors, Inc. 7/07/04 60,000 8.0034 7/07/04 2,000 7.9550 7/06/04 9,800 8.1500 7/06/04 20,000 8.1735 7/02/04 20,000 8.2975 7/02/04 1,000- 8.2999 7/02/04 13,200 8.3000 7/02/04 1,000 8.2999 7/02/04 38,200 8.2999 7/01/04 50,000 8.7260 7/01/04 1,000 8.8589 7/01/04 3,000 9.0000 7/01/04 1,000- 8.8589 7/01/04 20,000 8.9400 7/01/04 33,500 8.6329 7/01/04 20,400 8.8993 7/01/04 1,000 8.3000 7/01/04 5,300 8.8589 6/30/04 2,000 9.1400 6/30/04 24,100 9.0733 6/30/04 2,000 8.9800 6/29/04 5,000 9.4800 6/29/04 300- 9.5867 6/29/04 25,000 9.3019 6/29/04 25,000 9.5160 6/29/04 90,300 9.4340 6/29/04 62,000 9.3245 6/29/04 700 9.6000 6/28/04 5,700 9.7335 6/28/04 1,500 9.6200 6/25/04 6,300 9.7293 6/25/04 2,500 9.7200 6/25/04 4,000 9.6000 6/25/04 2,000 9.6400 6/25/04 1,700 9.6300 6/25/04 57,260 9.6259 6/25/04 2,000 9.6250 6/25/04 11,000 9.6200 6/25/04 30,000 9.5798 6/25/04 6,000 9.6182 6/25/04 3,000 9.6187 6/25/04 1,000 9.5500 6/24/04 25,000 9.8320 6/23/04 15,000 9.7549 6/23/04 34,325 9.7932 6/18/04 300- 9.8566 6/18/04 300 9.8566 6/18/04 1,000 9.7066 6/18/04 1,000- 9.7866 6/17/04 300- 9.7000 6/17/04 300 9.7000 (1) Unless Otherwise Indicated, All Transactions Were Effected on the NYSE. (2) Price Excludes Commission
from SC 13D/A
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Schedule II Information With Respect to Transactions Effected During the Past Sixty Days or Since the Most Recent Filing on Schedule 13d (1) Shares Purchased Average Date Sold(-) Price(2) Common Stock-Champion Enterprises Gabelli Securities, Inc. 6/17/04 2,000 9.5700 6/14/04 1,000 9.2320 Mjg Associates, Inc. Gabelli Performance Partners 6/14/04 10,000 9.2200 Gamco Investors, Inc. 6/22/04 25,360 9.9249 6/22/04 2,000 9.9200 6/21/04 27,500 9.8418 6/21/04 3,000 9.9000 6/21/04 1,000- 9.8918 6/21/04 3,000 9.8700 6/21/04 3,000- 9.8700 6/21/04 1,200 9.8418 6/21/04 700- 9.8657 6/21/04 700 9.8657 6/21/04 10,000 9.8200 6/21/04 3,000- 9.9000 6/21/04 3,000- 9.9000 6/21/04 200- 10.2418 6/21/04 3,000 9.8700 6/21/04 700 9.8657 6/18/04 1,400 9.7066 6/18/04 1,000 9.6700 6/18/04 100- 43.7066 6/18/04 2,700 9.7059 6/18/04 224,400 9.7066 6/18/04 1,500 9.7000 6/18/04 1,300- 9.7412 6/18/04 1,200 9.7600 6/18/04 4,200 9.7100 6/17/04 207,200 9.6980 6/17/04 18,700 9.7000 6/17/04 17,000 9.7070 6/17/04 1,800 9.7100 6/17/04 1,600- 9.6100 6/17/04 3,600 9.6800 6/17/04 5,000 9.7400 6/17/04 18,800 9.6927 6/17/04 300 9.6980 6/17/04 300- 9.6980 6/17/04 1,500- 9.6980 6/17/04 2,000- 9.7380 6/17/04 7,500 9.5919 6/17/04 3,500 9.6980 6/17/04 3,000 9.6300 6/16/04 2,000 9.4790 6/16/04 3,000 9.5133 6/15/04 10,000 9.3624 6/15/04 5,000 9.3476 6/15/04 1,000 9.3500 6/15/04 9,500 9.3942 6/15/04 700 9.3600 6/14/04 63,800 9.2402 6/14/04 3,000 9.2400 6/14/04 2,000 9.2200 6/14/04 4,000 9.2320 6/14/04 2,000 9.2300 6/14/04 5,000 9.2444 6/14/04 2,000 9.2600 6/14/04 4,000 9.2450 6/14/04 5,000- 9.2500 6/14/04 2,000 9.2500 6/10/04 2,000 9.2865 6/10/04 2,000- 9.3265 6/09/04 700- 9.4476 6/09/04 700 9.4476 6/03/04 500- 9.2229 6/03/04 500 9.2229 Gabelli Funds, LLC. Gabelli Value Fund 6/14/04 5,000 9.2200 Gabelli Small Cap Growth Fund 6/21/04 5,000 9.9160 6/14/04 5,000 9.2200 (1) Unless Otherwise Indicated, All Transactions Were Effected on the NYSE. (2) Price Excludes Commission